Arguing With Idiots

I am not talking about Glenn Beck’s book, I am talking about Glenn Beck himself. For someone who claims to stand on the side of the Constitution, he sure hasn’t taken the time to learn about the qualifications of the ‘top dog’ who, as stated in the oath of office taken on Jan 20,2009, is suppose to be in charge of enforcing it.

And for all his chalk board drawings and references to the great partiots who fought to win our freedom, one can only conclude that it is nothing but mere window dressing for the ratings of his show which makes his “Refounders” project one of the most oxymoronic ideas he has had thus far which brings me to today’s subject.

After taking a much needed break to concentrate on the family front for a while, I come back to find Glenn Beck has joined the ranks of “O’Really?” and I must say, with all the adverts that the two are now working together it does not surprise me that Beck has now succumbed to O’Really’s influences. Yes, O’Really, you know the guy who says being born a British subject does not affect ones eligibility to be president.

And this coming from a former teacher. Geez, no wonder this country is in such a mess.

In his response to Beck, Stephen Pidgeon has opened the door for more dialogue from Beck:

Dear Mr. Beck:

You are ill-informed on the “birther” issue. Barack Obama, by his own admission, was a British subject at birth. He has never denied having a Kenyan father, who himself was a British subject as a Kenyan native. This is easly established under the British Nationality Act of 1948. He is therefore disqualified to run for the office of the President, because the office is not available to subjects of other governments. The issue is very simple, and very obvious. Obama himself admitted that he wasn’t a natural born citizen when he debated Alan Keyes in 2004.

Let’s see you deal with this one. There is nothing “nutty” about it, and it doesn’t depend on whether his maternal grandmother tried to cover up a foreign birth in Hawaii by placing newspaper notices. It is as plain as your face. BHO is a foreign national first, and an American secondarily, if at all. That is why he thinks there are 57 states; why he doesn’t understand the constitution; why he wants to give us Britain’s health care system (it’s all in the teeth, don’t you know); why he thinks Interpol should have greater authority in the US than US law enforcement; etc. He is a British subject and has no business holding the office of POTUS.

If you think you can overlook this constitutional crisis as not part of the Rubicon, you are mistaken. One constitutional overlook breeds another and the next thing you know, the financial industry is nationalized, the auto industry is nationalized, the health care industry is about to be nationalized, and the energy industry will soon be nationalized.

Ultimately, it is all going to be okay, because socialism only lasts until other people’s money (OPM) runs out, and binge spender BHO has spent all the money we have and all the money we will ever have for the next several generations. He spent all of this before he got his socialist healthcare on the table. He and his wife have partied like Eddie Murphy in The Distinguished Gentleman (1992) since taking office, while he has busied himself with overthrowing the constitutional republic, establishing a new Islamic empire worldwide, disarming and crippling America, and unilaterally dividing Israel and Jerusalem. The only budget constraint for Obama is ink and paper (and he is working his way around that) and his foreign policy advisor appears to be “mirror, mirror on the wall”. He has bankrupted the nation, which the sleeping Oprah watchers are now discovering for the very first time. The reality of the bankruptcy will hit home with gusto in 2010. Not only will we suffer with 30% unemployment, a complete collapse of real estate, and a complete collapse of the dollar, we will also suffer the slings and arrows of dramatic military defeats, as we let this foreigner steer the ship of state. Most Americans have no idea how bad it is going to get.

As for Obama: he will be one of history’s most reviled figures – on a par with Nero – as a fool who couldn’t even understand that when he denigrated the United States, he was destroying the very state upon which his safety and his legacy depended. He will suffer dramatic defeat in Afghanistan and Iraq – it will not be like Viet Nam, and his name will be tarred with it. It will be more like the disastrous defeat of Xerxes at Salamis, or the Ottomans at Sisek, or the Moors at Tours; a game changing defeat that will forever cement the destiny of the republic known as the United States of America. Obama will join the other names in history who suffered cataclysmic losses in the lands of Magog.

His legacy? A communist, collectivist fool, brainwashed by red diaper doper babies haunting the halls of ivy league academia whose agenda was to bring back the failed Bolshevik revolution worldwide, who brought his fully bloomed ignorance to power illegally in the US because of the needs of his narcissistic ego, whose illegitimacy caused the US to go bankrupt and to suffer its worst military setbacks in the history of the nation in just a few short months. History will marvel at the foolishness of Americans, and historians will wonder how we as a people could have allowed this to happen. Then, of course, historians will ultimately conclude that the demise of the greatest nation the world had ever known happened because the watchdogs whose duty it was to warn Americans of such possibilities – the so-called news media – conspired with foreign powers and global financial criminals to destroy America from the inside, as a result of their cowardice, malevolence and silence.

Contributing member: Glenn Beck, who simply could not bring himself to utter the truth about Obama – that he is a usurper, holding the presidency illegally and unconstitutionally, because he is without a legal birthright. Let us never forget who shirked their duty to tell the truth in these last hours, and let us not allow history to forget.


Now the big question, with Beck’s daily ranting about the Constitution & how we need to get back to it and to our founding, will he come out of the closet and really stand up for it or will he just continue to use it for ratings? Because as Stephen pointed out:

If you think you can overlook this constitutional crisis as not part of the Rubicon, you are mistaken. One constitutional overlook breeds another and the next thing you know, the financial industry is nationalized, the auto industry is nationalized, the health care industry is about to be nationalized, and the energy industry will soon be nationalized.

I’m certainly NOT going to hold my breath for that to happen, but instead I will use every breath I have to educate a dumbed down American public as to the truth of this Constitutional Crisis.

One thought on “Arguing With Idiots

  1. durushelm January 9, 2010 at 5:48 pm

    We should question with boldness, because we are arguing with idiots!

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